As a middle-aged woman, you think by now I would have some inkling of how to get noticed. Despite the fact I have never been one to hide amongst a crowd, I am finding how ridiculously difficult it is to get someone outside my family to recognize me and my writing.

As a middle-aged woman, you think by now I would have some inkling of how to get noticed. Despite the fact I have never been one to hide amongst a crowd, I am finding how ridiculously difficult it is to get someone outside my family to recognize me and my writing.
I have been a freelance writer for almost five years (I know this is not nearly long enough to be whining, but I cannot help it!) and am still cloaked by the title of a ghostwriter. My words are out there, yet, I have no voice. I make connections with audiences who do not know I exist.
It is because of my obsession with the written word I sit behind the computer screen every week and create blog posts for others. Hopefully, one day, this fixation will catapult me front and center and celebrated for my prose.
Yes, it is always comforting to know what I do create is enjoyed by many, but only one truly appreciates my work and dedication, thanks, mom!
*With my big-girl panties on, back to writing I go.